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MyNewSelf Bariatrics

Wendy underwent gastric sleeve surgery at 295 pounds and we caught up with her just one month later. She shares her story of how she made her decision and her progress so far- including over 35 pounds lost.


Six months after undergoing surgery, Wendy is down 91 pounds and is looking forward to taking karate with her daughter.

Over the years, my weight slowly increased, and I began to experience a decline in my flexibility and mobility. Chronic back pain made it impossible for me to enjoy activities that required prolonged standing, like visiting museums. Eventually, knee pain became another hurdle, forcing me to rely on elevators rather than stairs and avoid activities that required bending.

Regrettably, these restrictions prevented me from fully participating in my 7-year-old daughter’s life. I had to depend on organized sports and lessons to keep her active. My breaking point came earlier this year during one of her basketball practices. The coach asked the parents to attend in gym clothes so we could run drills with our kids. When I walked through the door, the coach approached me and said, “It’s okay. I got her.” He had good intentions, but it was a wake-up call. I sat on the sidelines, watching other parents engage with their children, and someone else took care of mine. That moment was a turning point for me; I couldn’t continue like this. My daughter deserved more, and so did I. I realized I wasn’t living; I was merely a spectator in my own life, hoping my daughter wouldn’t grow up to resent me by putting overeating above making memories with her. I had tried losing weight through calorie reduction and exercise, but I had always been unsuccessful.

That’s when I discovered MyNewSelf online and began considering bariatric surgery. Dr. Minkin came highly recommended, and my initial appointment with him was incredibly informative. He patiently explained my options, his recommendations for my unique situation, and the surgical procedure itself. He answered any question I had. The MyNewSelf team has been exceptional throughout this journey – they’re encouraging and responsive and even provide supplement samples to build confidence before purchasing.

One month ago, I underwent the surgery, and I’m delighted to report that I’ve already lost 30 lbs. More importantly, my back and knee pain have significantly decreased. My blood pressure, HbA1c, glucose, and triglyceride levels are all normal now. My cholesterol dropped from 226 to 143! My only challenge post-surgery has been meeting the daily fluid and protein intake requirements, but that’s not uncommon. Plus, they offer a hydration clinic with IV fluids if needed.

My family and friends are thrilled for me and are providing unwavering support. They understand the physical limitations that prevented me from fully participating in my daughter’s life, and my progress fuels their excitement. It gives me hope! I’ve already promised my daughter we’ll visit a trampoline park once I’ve lost more weight and improved my stamina. We also plan to take a self-defense class together!

Though bariatric surgery is a permanent change, I feel relieved knowing that I now have the tools to help me avoid overeating. It was a necessary step that I couldn’t take on my own. Choosing this surgery means choosing to live again—no more sitting on the sidelines. I eagerly anticipate doing things with my daughter and no longer relying on others to step in for me. I will no longer have excessive limitations, and this weight-loss journey marks a fresh start.

To anyone considering weight loss surgery, I urge you to think about what you truly need in your life. If your weight is holding you back, exhaust all possible means to make a change because you deserve it. If diet and exercise haven’t yielded the results you desire, I wholeheartedly recommend bariatric surgery. Yes, it’s permanent, but for me, it was precisely what I needed. Do what’s right for you. It was the right choice for me, and now I have an active and exciting future to look forward to!

This patient testimonial reflects results achieved by this patient. As each case must be independently evaluated and managed, actual weight loss will vary.

Learn more about Sleeve Gastrectomy.