Sarcoidosis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, eyes, skin, or other tissues.
The exact cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. What is known is that when a person has the disease, tiny clumps of abnormal tissue (granulomas) form in certain organs of the body. Granulomas are clusters of immune cells.
The disease can affect almost any organ. It most commonly affects the lungs.
Doctors think that having certain genes makes it more likely for a person to develop sarcoidosis. Things that may trigger the disease include infections with bacteria or viruses. Contact with dust or chemicals may also be triggers.
The disease is more common in African Americans and Caucasians of Scandinavian heritage. More women than men have the disease.
The disease often begins between ages 20 and 40. Sarcoidosis is rare in young children.
A person with a close blood relative who has sarcoidosis is nearly five times as likely to develop the condition.
There may be no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they can involve almost any body part or organ system.
Almost all people affected by sarcoidosis have lung or chest symptoms:
- Chest pain (most often behind the breast bone)
Coughing is an important way to keep your throat and airways clear. But too much coughing may mean you have a disease or disorder. Some coughs are d...
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Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath
Breathing difficulty may involve:Difficult breathingUncomfortable breathingFeeling like you are not getting enough air
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Coughing up blood (rare, but serious)
Symptoms of general discomfort:
Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.
Fever is the temporary increase in the body's temperature in response to a disease or illness. A child has a fever when the temperature is at or abov...
Image - Joint ache or pain (arthralgia)
Weight loss
Weight loss
Unexplained weight loss is a decrease in body weight, when you did not try to lose the weight on your own. Many people gain and lose weight. Uninten...
Skin symptoms:
Hair loss
Hair loss
Partial or complete loss of hair is called alopecia.
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Raised, red, firm skin sores (
erythema nodosum
), almost always on the front part of the lower legs
Erythema nodosum
Erythema nodosum is an inflammatory disorder. It involves tender, red bumps (nodules) under the skin.
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Rashes involve changes in the color, feeling or texture of your skin.
Image - Scars that become raised or inflamed
Nervous system symptoms may include:
A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. Serious causes of headaches are rare. Most people with headaches can feel much better...
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A seizure is the physical findings or changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The term "seizure...
Image - Weakness on one side of the face
Eye symptoms include:
- Burning
- Discharge from the eye
- Dry eyes
- Itching
- Pain
- Vision loss
Other symptoms of this disease:
- Dry mouth
- Fainting spells, if the heart is involved
A nosebleed is loss of blood from the tissue lining the nose. Bleeding most often occurs in 1 nostril only.
Image - Swelling in the upper part of the abdomen
- Liver disease
Exams and Tests
A physical exam may show the following:
- Abnormal breath sounds (such as rales)
- Enlarged liver
- Enlarged lymph glands
- Enlarged spleen
- Rash
- Eye inflammation (specialized eye exam is needed)
The disease is often found in people without visible physical signs who have an abnormal chest x-ray.
Different imaging tests may help diagnose sarcoidosis:
Chest x-ray
to see if the lungs are involved or lymph nodes are enlarged
Chest x-ray
A chest x-ray is an x-ray of the chest, lungs, heart, large arteries, ribs, and diaphragm.
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CT scan
of the chest
CT scan
A computed tomography (CT) scan is an imaging method that uses x-rays to create pictures of cross-sections of the body. Related tests include:Abdomin...
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Lung gallium scan
Lung gallium scan
Lung gallium scan is a type of nuclear scan that uses radioactive gallium to identify swelling (inflammation) in the lungs.
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Imaging tests of the
A head MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is an imaging test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create pictures of the brain and surrounding...
Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to make images of organs and structures inside the body.
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Echocardiogram of the heart
Echocardiogram of the heart
An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the heart. The picture and information it produces is more detailed than a s...
To diagnose this condition, a biopsy is needed. Biopsy of the lung using bronchoscopy is usually done. Biopsies of other body tissues may also be done.
Bronchoscopy is a test to view the airways and diagnose lung disease. It may also be used during the treatment of some lung conditions.

The following lab tests may be done:
Calcium levels (
This test measures the amount of calcium in urine. All cells need calcium in order to work. Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. It is impo...
Ionized calcium is calcium in your blood that is not attached to proteins. It is also called free calcium. All cells need calcium in order to work. ...
The calcium blood test measures the level of calcium in the blood. This article discusses the test to measure the total amount of calcium in your blo...
A complete blood count (CBC) test measures the following:The number of red blood cells (RBC count)The number of white blood cells (WBC count)The tota...
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Immunoelectrophoresis -- serum
Immunoelectrophoresis -- serum
Serum immunoelectrophoresis is a lab test that measures proteins called immunoglobulins in the blood. Immunoglobulins are proteins that function as ...
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Liver function tests
Liver function tests
Liver function tests are common tests that are used to see how well the liver is working. Tests include:AlbuminAlpha-1 antitrypsin Alkaline phosph...
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Quantitative immunoglobulins (nephelometry)
Quantitative immunoglobulins (nephelome...
Quantitative nephelometry is a lab test to quickly and accurately measure levels of certain proteins called immunoglobulins in the blood. Immunoglob...
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Serum phosphorus
Serum phosphorus
The phosphorus blood test measures the amount of phosphate in the blood.
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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
The ACE test measures the level of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the blood.
Sarcoidosis symptoms will often get better without treatment.
If the eyes, heart, nervous system, or lungs are affected, corticosteroid medicine is usually prescribed. This medicine may need to be taken for 1 to 2 years.
Medicines that suppress the immune system (immunosuppressive medicines) are sometimes also needed.
In rare cases, people with very severe heart or lung damage (end-stage disease) may need an organ transplant.
Outlook (Prognosis)
Many people with sarcoidosis are not seriously ill, and they get better without treatment. Up to half of all people with the disease get better in 3 years without treatment. People whose lungs are affected may develop lung damage.
Overall death rate from sarcoidosis is less than 5%. Causes of death include:
- Bleeding from the lung tissue
- Heart damage, leading to heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms
- Lung scarring (pulmonary fibrosis)
Possible Complications
Fungal lung infections (
Aspergillosis is an infection or allergic response due to the Aspergillus fungus.
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and blindness from uveitis (rare)
Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve. This nerve sends the images you see to your brain. Most often, optic nerve da...
Image - Kidney stones from high calcium levels in blood or urine
and other complications of taking corticosteroids for long periods of time
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break (fracture).
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High blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs (
pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. It makes the right side of the heart work harder than normal.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
Call your health care provider promptly if you have:
Difficulty breathing
Difficulty breathing
Breathing difficulty may involve:Difficult breathingUncomfortable breathingFeeling like you are not getting enough air
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Palpitations are feelings or sensations that your heart is pounding or racing. They can be felt in your chest, throat, or neck. You may:Have an unpl...
Image - Vision changes
- Other symptoms of this disorder
Judson MA, Morgenthau AS, Baughman RP. Sarcoidosis. In: Broaddus VC, Mason RJ, Ernst JD, et al, eds. Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine . 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016:chap 66.
Valeyre D, Prasse A, Nunes H, Uzunhan Y, Brillet PY, Müller-Quernheim J. Sarcoidosis. Lancet . 2014; 383(9923):1155-1167. PMID: 24090799 .
Sarcoid, stage I - chest X-ray - illustration
Sarcoid is primarily a lung (pulmonary) disease. In the early stages, a chest film may show enlargement of lymph nodes in the center of the chest near the heart (mediastinum).
Sarcoid, stage I - chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage II - chest X-ray - illustration
Sarcoid causes damage to the lung tissue that heals by scarring. The film shows a diffuse milky and granular appearance in the normally dark lung areas. This individual has marked decrease in lung function.
Sarcoid, stage II - chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage IV - chest X-ray - illustration
This film shows advanced sarcoid, scarring of the lungs (the light streaking), and cavity formation (the dark areas in the upper right side of the picture).
Sarcoid, stage IV - chest X-ray
Sarcoid - close-up of the skin lesions - illustration
Sarcoid - close-up of the skin lesions: 20 to 25 percent of individuals with sarcoidosis have skin manifestations as seen in this picture. The extent of the skin manifestations is difficult to predict, but the most common are red papules that are translucent as seen here.
Sarcoid - close-up of the skin lesions
Erythema nodosum associated with sarcoidosis - illustration
This picture shows reddish-purple, hard (indurated), painful nodules (Erythema nodosum) that occur most commonly on the shins. These lesions may be anywhere on the body and may be associated with tuberculosis (TB), sarcoidosis, coccidioidomycosis, systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), fungal infections, or in response to medications.
Erythema nodosum associated with sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis - close-up - illustration
Typical sarcoid lesions consist of red, raised lesions (papules) and patches (plaques) with minimal surrounding skin change.
Sarcoidosis - close-up
Sarcoidosis on the elbow - illustration
These lesions of sarcoidosis are located on the elbow and are red, elevated patches (plaques). The cause of sarcoidosis remains unknown.
Sarcoidosis on the elbow
Sarcoidosis on the nose and forehead - illustration
These are sarcoid lesions on the face. These lesions often appear in scars, as is seen in this photograph.
Sarcoidosis on the nose and forehead
Respiratory system - illustration
Air is breathed in through the nasal passageways, travels through the trachea and bronchi to the lungs.
Respiratory system
Sarcoid, stage I - chest X-ray - illustration
Sarcoid is primarily a lung (pulmonary) disease. In the early stages, a chest film may show enlargement of lymph nodes in the center of the chest near the heart (mediastinum).
Sarcoid, stage I - chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage II - chest X-ray - illustration
Sarcoid causes damage to the lung tissue that heals by scarring. The film shows a diffuse milky and granular appearance in the normally dark lung areas. This individual has marked decrease in lung function.
Sarcoid, stage II - chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage IV - chest X-ray - illustration
This film shows advanced sarcoid, scarring of the lungs (the light streaking), and cavity formation (the dark areas in the upper right side of the picture).
Sarcoid, stage IV - chest X-ray
Sarcoid - close-up of the skin lesions - illustration
Sarcoid - close-up of the skin lesions: 20 to 25 percent of individuals with sarcoidosis have skin manifestations as seen in this picture. The extent of the skin manifestations is difficult to predict, but the most common are red papules that are translucent as seen here.
Sarcoid - close-up of the skin lesions
Erythema nodosum associated with sarcoidosis - illustration
This picture shows reddish-purple, hard (indurated), painful nodules (Erythema nodosum) that occur most commonly on the shins. These lesions may be anywhere on the body and may be associated with tuberculosis (TB), sarcoidosis, coccidioidomycosis, systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), fungal infections, or in response to medications.
Erythema nodosum associated with sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis - close-up - illustration
Typical sarcoid lesions consist of red, raised lesions (papules) and patches (plaques) with minimal surrounding skin change.
Sarcoidosis - close-up
Sarcoidosis on the elbow - illustration
These lesions of sarcoidosis are located on the elbow and are red, elevated patches (plaques). The cause of sarcoidosis remains unknown.
Sarcoidosis on the elbow
Sarcoidosis on the nose and forehead - illustration
These are sarcoid lesions on the face. These lesions often appear in scars, as is seen in this photograph.
Sarcoidosis on the nose and forehead
Respiratory system - illustration
Air is breathed in through the nasal passageways, travels through the trachea and bronchi to the lungs.
Respiratory system
Review Date: 6/22/2015
Reviewed By: Denis Hadjiliadis, MD, MHS, Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Isla Ogilvie, PhD, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.