Our 24-hour/seven day a week scheduling ensures patients reduce delays in treatments, avoid costly hospitalizations, reduce complications and prevent deaths.
Phone: 314-995-7081
Fax: 314-567-0802
Professional Services provided by:
Steven Bander, MD and Thomas Vesely, MD
A full range of services for central venous catheter and port patients:
Services offered:
Hemodialysis Fistula and Graft Interventions:
Patient Instructions
Flow Problems?
Port or Catheter Problems?
The Vascular Access Center is located one-half mile west of Lindbergh Blvd. and one-half mile east of Spoede Rd.
10435 Clayton Rd., Ste 200
Frontenac, MO 63131
Location Map (PDF)
Parking Map (PDF)
Our success is measured by our patients' satisfaction with our services and the quality care they receive. We take great pride in each we serve and their courage to overcome physical challenges on their journey back to good health. We are also honored when they choose to offer their unique experiences with us. Following are stories from our patients and family members who entrusted their care with us. Thank you to these and every patient we serve!